Looking after an ageing parent or elderly relative can feel overwhelming... Are you...

  • Trying to juggle eldercare and career
  • On a roller-coaster of guilt, anxiety, fear and exhaustion
  • Struggling to communicate with a relative who has dementia
  • Arguing with siblings about the best plan and who should do what
  • Trying to provide or organise eldercare 'from a distance'?

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As an eldercare coach I will help you to:

  • Figure out how to balance family, career and eldercare
  • Find strategies for coping, managing emotions
  • Have those difficult conversations with your elderly relative, family and professionals
  • Make difficult decisions, plan for the future
  • Find a little time for yourself

* I know what it's like - I've been there How I coped with my Mum's dementia *

I also help working carers as a consultant for Work + Family

And I'm an 'Agony Aunt' for When they get older :


How do I cope with constant repetitive questioning?

When families can't agree on care

How do I deal with a Mean Mum

Ageing Parents - Who Cares? Women now in the 50-64 age bracket grew up with the idea of 'having it all'. But somehow with eldercare it seems like we're back in the 1950s'.

When they get Older -  Ask Lesley Free Eldercare Coaching online

What my clients say...

"When my father passed away I became immediately responsible for my mother who had MS and lived 3 hours away. I was already juggling a very busy job and a toddler and felt like I was doing everything badly. My life felt like a bad soap opera‚ friends/partner just didn't understand. I thought I needed to learn how to not 'drop any more balls' but Lesley challenged my thoughts and actions and made me realise that I needed to ask for more help - at home, at work, at Mums'. Lesley offered a space space to download to someone with relevant experience and the coaching really helped me come up with a new plan of action"  (Lizi, Portfolio Manager, Dec 2023)

"Eldercare coaching helped me persuade my father to go into sheltered accommodation. Now I have more time for work and family and much less stress!" (Working carer, London)

"My elderly motherwas making my life an absolute hell. Lesley was constructive, supportive and empathetic. I would not hesitate to recommend her. Her eldercare coaching shows you how to think around problems in a different way" (R.A. Hastings)

Watch "Real life stories" about coping with eldercare:

Jean and Diane's story

Andrew's story

Chris and Debbie's story
