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When they Get Older “ Ask Lesley “ Q&A

I answer readers' dilemmas about ageing parents and elderly relatives “.  Send your question to the site!

Free 30 minute introductory chat if you're struggling with a midlife problem and want to find out how coaching helps.

Check out back issues of my newsletter for inspiration, motivation, hints and tips and a few laughs

Practical information and advice if you need to set up a Power of Attorney for an elderly relative

Useful articles

Self compassion when you're a carer (caregiver) what's OK and what's not OK

(Transactional Analysis)“ how to use Psychology to reduce conflict and improve relationships


Eldercare - not free but good value and highly recommended for the nitty gritty stuff

Care as you are - type 'Prime Video Care as you are' into your Prime account search bar

A powerful and moving story following Abi as she grapples with her  evolving role as her mother’s carer and the strains this puts on her, her mother, other family members, and friends

The Child-Parent care giving relationship in later life (paperback book)

Bethany Morgan Brett offers new insights into the practical, emotional and physical effects that witnessing the ageing and death of parents has on those in late midlife and how these relationships are negotiated 

Free stuff for Coaches

The Benefits of Developing a Coaching Niche (International Coach Federation March 2018)

Business Coaching for Information Professionals: why it provides such good Value for Money in Today's Economic Climate. Business Information Review, 30 (1)  How introducing coaching provides financial and other benefits both for individuals and organisations.