
"There were 70 applications... and... I got the job!! I'm delighted about getting a role which feels such a good fit to my skills and experience. Thanks for your coaching, it helped me think through how to prepare and calm my nerves. Your expertise brought out the best in me, and helped to push me over the finishing line" (Andrea, Information Officer, Manchester, Dec 2023)

"When my father passed away I became immediately responsible for my mother who had MS and lived 3 hours away. I was already juggling a very busy job and a toddler and felt like I was doing everything badly. My life felt like a bad soap opera - friends/partner just didn't understand. I thought I needed to learn how to not 'drop any more balls' but Lesley challenged my thoughts and actions and made me realise that I needed to ask for more help - at home, at work, at Mum's. Lesley offered a space space to download to someone with relevant experience and the coaching really helped me come up with a new plan of action" (Lizi, Portfolio Manager, Dec 2023)

"Initially it stuck in my throat to pay for support because it gave me that very familiar feeling of being alone, unheard and of no consequence. But in fact talking to you, Lesley, is making me feel quite the opposite. You make me focus on what I can do differently after lifelong conditioning of believing that my mother's happiness was the only thing that mattered. Now I'm finally doing what feels right for me! And I have surprised myself by taking on a 'couch to 5K' challenge so I can continue to build on these positive feelings". (Midlife client with narcissistic mother. Nov 2023)

"I was struggling with the grief of my father's diagnosis and a difficult relationship with my mother affecting my performance at work. Lesley helped me in so many ways. Lesley supported me through my promotion process and having historically been someone who gives up at the first sign of failure, I persevered, learning coping mechanisms and how to spot the warning signs of negative thoughts. I am now delivering with more confidence in my role, I have also signed up to an ultra marathon and I whole heartedly can say that if it wasn't for Lesley, I wouldn't have even considered it!

Anyone who is contemplating a coach, but perhaps feels a bit goofy - I can't recommend Lesley enough" (Alice, Director, July 2023)

Juggling work and care webinar (Bright Horizons Work + Family) - co presenter (June 2023)

"Excellent session, so reassuring, and a variety of points and angles covered"

"Attending this webinar was a game-changer, I've already made some great connections and have been signposted to new resources - thank you!"

"I found Lesley through an article she had written and it was at a time when I really needed some support. Lesley was very comforting and able to help me order my thoughts at a time of great stress. Knowing that I had someone to talk to was really important and Lesley used her skills to help me figure things out" (Rebecca Seeley Harris, Tax Lawyer, May 2023)

"I was trying to decide whether to relocate to a new location which would be good for me and my family or stay in the area where my elderly mother lives. I was finding it emotionally and mentally draining. Coaching proved very helpful as it gave me an impartial sounding board and a place to say things out loud. As a result I have now been able to make that difficult decision". (Kirsty, April 2023)

"I just wanted to touch base and say thank-you ever so much for all the help and support you have given me over the past year. The sessions have been incredibly helpful and I will be forever grateful!" (Michaela Chappels, March 2023)

"I was feeling overwhelmed dealing with my Mom's memory loss. And trying to figure out how to still live my life while also being there for her. Lesley's flexible approach to cover whatever I needed each time worked very well for me and I appreciated feeling seen and heard. Knowing she had first hand experience of the same thing was comforting. The sessions helped me and my family cope better and deal with the constant changes and to understand that yes, this is hard and we are not alone or going crazy ourselves" (Julie, New York, Dec 2022)

"I hit rock bottom after losing my job of 19 years, not able to breathe or think. I thought I would never find work I enjoy. If anyone says they love their job they must be making it up. I can't do interviews. I freeze and stumble and get anxious. It feels fake and I hate myself for trying. I know I'm a good dad, a good husband and have great friends, I enjoy life, but the word 'career' repulses me.

As a direct result of the coaching, I am now proud to say I work for the NHS, on THE key issue in the world at the moment (COVID) doing work that really makes a difference. I got that eureka moment of realising that I now know how to do interviews and networking in authentic way and I can now live without guilt or anxiety working for a place I truly care about. I now see career development as something positive to provide that missing link in my life!" (JM, East Sussex, July 2022)

"Lesley was just the coach I needed. She understood what it's like to not only navigate the world of solo-preneurship but to do so with the aging parent experience & challenges. I had no idea how to navigate these waters myself and for the first time in my life felt truly stuck and at a loss. Lesley's gentle guidance and support in my thought, focus and direction, plus suggesting do-able action steps to 'right my ship in the storm' was absolutely a blessing to me" (Michele S. Co-Creative Coach, Tennessee May 2022)

"Lesley has an amazing ability to get to the root of the problem and give you helpful and no-nonsense tips to make your plans a reality in challenging circumstances. It makes a big difference when you feel you are swimming against the current to be encouraged in such a practical way to take action in the direction you want (Lawyer, Feb 2022)

"Lesley helped me enormously to find perspective, and to recognise how my self validation had become entirely ingrained in a successful 35 year career in the corporate environment. Lesley is a great listener as well as posing thought provoking questions that helped me identify my limiting beliefs and harsh inner critic. She guided me towards a cognitive restructure that has changed my outlook entirely and for the better about how much I've achieved and how to start an exciting new journey doing what really matters to me for the future". (GF, Regional Director, Dec 2021)

"Lesley is a fantastic coach. She offered expert guidance to me whilst making a career transition, helping me focus in on the things that were most important.

Thoroughly recommend" (Owen Bach, Pharma Talent Acquisition Lead, Oct 2021)

"Lesley quickly understood the situation with my elderly mother. She was proactive without being pushy or causing upset and I appreciated that she kept in touch and forwarded helpful information between sessions. The coaching gave me time to reflect, provided clarity and really helped me take decisions and move forward" (R.S. Deputy Head Teacher, Aug 2021)

"Coaching was a really valuable way to step back from the day job even when I was so busy. Lesley provided perspective, support and honest feedback. I always returned to the day job much more focussed, motivated and productive - clear business benefits!"(Marketing Manager, Aug 2021)

"Lesley was very understanding of my issues and did not underestimate the difficulties of going back to the office post COVID. She gave me extremely sound and knowledgeable advice and support. She is a highly experienced lady" (Working carer, Aug 2021)

"Your latest newsletter - brilliant in every aspect, starting with the subject line, as I have come to expect. Do let me know when you start getting essays published in The Guardian/Observer or the Times. Your writing is certainly worthy of that" (ML, June 2021)

"I was in the fortunate position of having two job offers. but it felt stressful. Friends and family gave their opinion but I was still torn. I knew I needed to speak to Lesley as she has helped me before by asking the right questions and creating a safe environment where I can speak freely. Lesley helped me go deeper into my options, what was holding me back and how to overcome the obstacles. After our session I felt completely confident to make the right decision for me!" (HA, Project Manager, Singapore, May 2021)

"I ended up having 3 interviews. Last one was yesterday. They called me a couple of hours after to say I'd got it!! and it was perfect!!! Thank you for all your help and guidance, I was told my interview was excellent at each stage! :). I'm sure I'll be in touch again when I'm looking for the next step up". (Katy Higher Education Administrator, Bristol, March 2021)

"Lesley has been exceptional. She really helped me to improve the way I speak and present at interviews" (London, Nov 2020)

"Lesley is a fantastic coach who put me at ease immediately. I was grateful that she offered her experience, time and goodwill and listened to me with patience and humour. She helped me understand the reasoning behind my feelings and rather than judging myself, to untangle a path forwards. Lesley's genuine curiosity to find out about other people, with no criticism or projection of her own agenda, is a marvel and a credit to her profession. I am very thankful" (Intensive Care Anaesthetist, London - #Coach4NHS scheme)

"After a successful career in theatre in Portugal, I found it hard to find acting work in the UK. I got a job in a well known coffee chain and soon became the manager. Although I liked getting involved with their community projects, I knew I needed to get out. I just couldn't focus on what to do.

Lesley asked all the right questions and helped me make solid decisions. I realised that I now wanted a career helping people. Lesley helped me stay focussed on the advantages, my skills and creating a suitable CV, rather than worrying about the difficulties. I'm now working as an activities co-ordinator in a care home. I'm loving it and am applying for a care manager role there! Lesley is a natural coach and facilitator, patient, intuitive and wise. She makes me feel safe, observes and listens deeply and every time we are together she brings out the best of me!" (Rita Capela, London)

"Lesley is an excellent coach and I always get so much out of working with her. She is highly committed to the wellbeing and goals of her clients, to maintaining the highest standards in professional, ethical coaching and to supporting others to bring out the very best in themselves" (Henri Bond, June


"Thank you so much Lesley! In these corona times it generally seems much easier to stick to an almost universal script: 'yup, not too bad, considering; 'it's tough for everyone'; it could be worse'; 'I'm lucky to have a roof over my head. etc. Having someone really listen - and respond - was so, so good!" (Anon, London June 2020)

"I kept being told that my CV was weak and that this was stopping me getting interviews. Lesley immediately identified the areas of most concern: visual appearance, a vague profile and, throughout, not highlighting my skills and achievements. As a result I now have a new CV which not only looks great, but is also worded very well and 'sells' me much better. I really appreciate all your help! I will be sure to recommend you to friends and family. Thank you so much Lesley! (Mahesh Khilnani, March 2020)"

Thank you Lesley for helping give me the courage to try new things and explore news ways of thinking about career and work (Stephen Coates, Principal, Pension Proposition & Research, January 2020)

Lesley does all the things an excellent coach should: incisive contracting, asking powerful questions, active listening and suggesting alternative approaches.

New ways of thinking lead to new answers - a treasure we all chase as coaches. I recommend Lesley wholeheartedly both as a Coach and as a Mentor Coach who helps other coaches develop. (Fiona Van Gran, Executive coach, Sydney, Nov 2019)

"It's rare that you come across standout talent like Lesley. I hired her to guide me through a change in my career and she exceeded all my expectations.

She guides without telling you what to do, helps you focus on your goals and does this all with professional warmth and skill. Lesley combines her incredible talent for career issues and communication skills with an extraordinary sense of strategy and timing. I would highly recommend her as a career consultant!"

(Melody Flumendorf, London, Oct 2019)

"A friend recommended Lesley as a great coach for me because I was lacking in confidence at work and unsure of my career path. Lesley made me look at things differently. For instance, rewriting my CV to make it read less like a job spec and better reflect my personality. Lesley talked me through my experience and helped me recognise and be proud of my achievements. This also helped with my confidence. I was delighted to be offered an interview and Lesley advised me how to keep calm under pressure. As a result, I now have a new job in a prestigious company in my industry!"

(Jess Otway, Production Controller, Oct 2019)

"Turning a business idea into reality is a daunting task. Lesley 'held my hand' during the research stages, product development, sales processes and marketing strategy, right up to the launch. She listened to my ideas, probing and testing their relevance in an intelligent way and helping me identify appropriate solutions. Her gentle encouragement helped me believe in my experience and abilities again at a time when, as a women in her 50s, the outside world would rather relegate me to the scrap heap! I would highly recommend her services." (C.D. London)

"After 4 years in the same job, I was ready to move on but had no idea how to go about it. I found Lesley very friendly and her direct approach helped me realise my potential and identify what was important to me in a future job. Without her advice and direction, I would not have had the confidence to look go for the fantastic new account manager role I'm in today which is a real step up in my career!" (Yasmin G, London July 2019)

"My elderly mother has a very controlling personality which had been getting me down for years. After our initial chat, I just knew Lesley could help me. Using her expertise and empathy she helped me explore my feelings and see the situation with my elderly parents in a new way. I became much lighter and clearer in my mind, less fearful and more hopeful for the future. It's been a bit of a miracle - I can be me now! Lesley's coaching was a really good investment in me - I highly recommend her!" (Gail, London, June 2019)

"I will never forget that conversation with you and will take it with me for the rest of my life. It was like talking to an lifestyle angel!" (A.P. Oxford Dec 2018)

"Lesley was absolutely fantastic when helping me resolve my eldercare and childcare dilemmas. Very friendly, understanding, and relatable" (S.R. London Nov


"I really liked your honesty, structured yet flexible approach and fresh ideas - like networking and volunteering - as part of making a midlife career change. Thank you very much for the support and insight you have given me, it has been very valuable" (K.B. Account Manager, London Nov 2018)

"I heard some lovely feedback from the change management workshop you led for us about helping the team come to terms with restructuring and possible redundancy: "Really informative and useful", "Loved the part about having a clear elevator pitch and how to make a dynamic CV". One attendee wrote

"Thanks, Lesley. If only I could have you by my side over the next few months of uncertainty!" (Aug 2018, Team Leader, Herts)

"I was desperate to get help because my elderly mother was making my life an absolute hell. I had tried many options - none successful. Lesley was a very good listener. She didn't tell me what would be best, she made me work through it with her and come up with my own answers. She was constructive, supportive and empathetic. I would not hesitate to recommend Lesley as a coach; she is approachable, easy to talk with and shows you how to think around problems in a different way" R.A. Hastings (July 2018)

"My son was looking for a new job. I knew he was very capable but felt his CV looked rather 'amateurish' and he wasn't getting interviews. He's so pleased with the new look CV - looks so professional now with all his skills and achievements clearly displayed. It's really boosted his confidence working with you. Plus he has an interview this afternoon!" Linda, Watford (June 2018)

"I was trying to get through an emotionally-charged family Christmas compounded by grief over the death of my father, financial strain, and resentment over family differences about care for our mother. Lesley was exceptionally kind, generous, non judgemental, compassionate and intuitive. She helped me focus on what was needed in the immediate term - 'able to pick out a tune from a wall of sound'. She helped me regain faith that while these challenges may be part of life, they do not need to dominate it. Thank you Lesley, highly recommended!" (SG May 2018)

“After leaving teaching due to illness, Icontacted Lesley for advice about changing my CV in order start a new career in business and administration. Lesley helped me to put together a CV that clearly communicated my experience, with a real focus on the transferable skills. As a result, I wrote stronger applications and was invited to more interviews. Thank you Lesley, for helping me to see the positives of my situation, helping me formulate a plan and market myself in a competitive field.Happy to say I’m just about to start a new job!” (Teacher, Doncaster April 2018)

“Lesley really helped me adjust to leaving my previous employment. She quickly grasped ‘where I was coming from’ and was committed to supporting me and I liked the fact that our sessions weren’t too earnest. I now have a much clearer idea of what I’m looking for, how to go about it, how to tackle the barriers plus a much better CV. Overall, a very positive experience” (Senior Consultant, Telecoms, 2017)

Update – March 2018

“I’m very pleased with the choice I made. I’m enjoying working there more than I can remember enjoying any other job this Millennium. The reasons it’s working are all to do with things we talked about. I feel good about work again!”

“I was feeling awful.Aware of my age/mortality, life passing me by, hit a brick wall… Coaching was amazing. I’ve made some monumental decisions: I’m giving in my notice at work, signed up for training in massage and counselling, going on a creative writing course and then a nutrition course. After I’ve finished helping myself, I’ve decided I want to help others. Since I started seeing you I feel motivated to move forwards, I have a future to look forward to. I’ve got my MOJO BACK!”(Senior Administrator, London, Dec 2017)

“I had no idea what to do with my life and wasn’t handling my emotions and relationships very well. Lesley helped me find out who and what I needed, turn the chapter and put my teenage years to bed. With Lesley as I was able to say exactly how I felt with no judgment, just guiding. I didn’t feel like I was seeing a shrink – I genuinely felt like I was talking to someone who just understood me and was able to help me help myself” (GF London Oct 2017)

“Having you help me process this stuff is the best help and grounding I have ever ever had. It’s like a water in a desert thing. In the last month I have regained hope, self respect and belief in myself as an artist!” (JRW Artist July 2017)

“My Mum has been feeling so lost. I just talked to her after her first session with you and I simply don’t remember a time when she sounded so positive. She gave excellent feedback and it was really uplifting for me to hear. Thank you so much!”(Aug 2017)

“As a result of Lesley’s career coaching I am now in a much happier place and walking tall! It really couldn’t have worked out any better. Lesley shaped the coaching to exactly what I needed, helping me set clear goals and gently pushing me to carry out tasks outside of my comfort zone. As a result, I was able to:

* create a long term career path and strategic plan
* increase my self-confidence and ability to go out and make things happen
* improve my networking, presentation, writing and story-telling skills
* move to a satisfying new job in an organisation”

KB (Education Programme Manager, London April 2017)

“I was feeling so powerless and wracked with guilt, pain and broken hearted when my Mum had to go into a care home with this devastating illness, dementia. You have helped me understand that I can’t change the situation but now I know I’m not alone and there are ways to manage my feelings. Thank you so much for being there and for listening to me Lesley. (JD Glasgow Sept 2017)

“Thank you for all your support, you don’t know how much that meant to me. Your kind words and challenges helped me to know what to focus on after my mother’sdeath and that to me is a big thing. Some days I was really in the dark jungle, but there are less of those days now. People who know me say they have seen a big difference in me and I feel that I am on a new adventure now!” C.M. (Feb 2017)

“You inspired me to download Helen Reddy’s ‘I am Woman’ to my iPod and now I ‘roar’ in my head when thinking about the divorce negotiations. I enjoy our sessions – however bad I feel at the beginning, I’m always laughing by the end!” (C.P. London Dec 2016)

“A very difficult relationship with my manager was affecting my performance at work and causing huge stress in my life. Lesley gave me the space to analyse the situation and helped me find tactics to change my thinking and priorities whilst staying true to my own values. Even though the coaching was all done on the phone I felt she was right next to me, holding and securing me as I worked through layers of uncertainty and self doubt. The outcome was a new calmness and confidence to manage this situation” M.A. The Netherlands (Nov 2016)

“My Mum had just gone into a Home and there were huge family arguments about finances. I was feeling isolated, unsupported, devastated and like I was letting Mum down. Lesley listened calmly to my ramblings and helped me feel confident about talking to the Home and standing up to my family. The coaching wasexactly what I needed– a chance to talk confidentially about my problems at times that fitted in with my lifestyle. I now feel far less anxious and know that I am making the best decisions for my Mum – a heartfelt thank you Lesley! S.W. Northampton (Oct 2016)

“Lesley helped me move forward with my goal of thinking about how to tackle a new role, and beyond that to future career opportunities. She challenged me to be more bold and strategic and often guided me down unexplored and unexpected paths. In particular, coaching made me spend time thinking about myself and my successes and helping me to identify ways to raise my profile whilst remaining true to my own values” (MB Procurement Manager, London)

“Following retirement I had lost my direction and sense of purpose. Lesley helped me set goals and her gentle, probing approach, excellent ability to hold on to details and make links kept me focussed on moving forwards. To my amazement, I began to feel much happier! My life now has purpose and direction and I feel I have found my place in the world again“. Cheryl Sklan MBE (Sept 2016)

“Thank you so much for your very very valuable help with my CV. It was really useful to have a fresh pair of eyes reviewing it and you did a fabulous job in really understanding my skills and career aspirations. It’s so much sleeker now and really shows off my strengths and what I have to offer. I am happy to say the improved CV has just landed me a new contract!” (HR consultant and Talent Management specialist, London, July 2016)

My elderly father lives 130 miles away and was diagnosed with Parkinson’s. He refused to accept any help. I was going up to see him as often as possible but getting exhausted, stressed out at work and neglecting my family. It was really helpful talking to someone who understood my issues and frustrations. With Lesley’s help, I learned to be more assertive, persuaded my father to move to sheltered accommodation and accept professional help. Things are much more manageable now and I have more time for work and my own family! (Family carer, London)

“You are a natural coach! You really helped me find direction and clarity when trying to sort out my work-life balance. And your voice is so calm and reassuring I’m sure if I could talk to you every day I would have no problems at all!” (ZA Birmingham May 2016)

“I want to thank you for the work you have done with me. I found our sessions very worthwhile, focused and rewarding. I have learnt a lot and feel far more positive about the new chapter ahead” (Deputy Head Teacher, London May 2016)

“Lesley really helped me improve my CV and networking skills. I was able to overcome my fears and felt ‘newly invented’, confident and motivated in the job search process. Lesley is a great coach – i really enjoyed our sessions. She’s also an excellent and caring listener and always there to help even at very short notice. (I.S. London, Energy Analyst)

“Thank you Lesley for all your support and encouragement. It was a tremendous help to me at a time when I very much needed and appreciated it” (LC March 2016)

“I really appreciated Lesley’s coaching in helping me develop a workshopfor a group of senior managers. My change in mindset after 4 sessions made a real difference to my enjoyment of the experience and I suffered none of the performance anxiety symptoms that I’ve been prone to in the past. I felt I prepared myself really well and Lesley supported me to do that by challenging my thinking, helping me focus on process and focus on being fully present for the group. Thank you Lesley!” (MF Jan 2016)

“Immediately on meeting Lesley, I found her to be an exceptionally good listener and extremely perceptive. Lesley’s help with filling in job applications was invaluable. She also used a gentle but searching approach which was fantastic at helping me with the longer term career objectives – something with which I have always struggled. As a result I have created a successful portfolio career and feel confident about my future as a music consultant/teacher and professional violinist. I cannot recommend Lesley highly enough!” (Robert Norman, London 2015)

After graduating, I was keen to get into gym management but didn’t feel I was ready or had a strong enough CV. Lesley helped me create a dynamic CV highlighting my strengths, increased my confidence and improved my interview technique. Within a week of meeting with Lesley, I’d had two interviews and a job offer! (Jake, London 2015)

“I can really recommend Lesley. I was facing a bit of a ‘mid-life’ crossroads and Lesley helped me to make a decision about my future life and work plans. Lesley guided me through the decision making process, encouraging me to reflect on my thoughts, set some achievable targets, and then review action and make further plans. Lesley used a very sensitive approach and was a very good listener – but she was also able to effectively challenge me and to offer a number of practical suggestions. The one hour sessions flew by!” (Len Simkins, Company Director, Bedford 2014)

“Lesley – you helped me shape a new stage in my career. The sessions resulted in a significant shift in my development and stretched my confidence in moving into a new role with higher responsibilities and challenges. Your help has been pivotal for me and I look forward to checking back in with you in the future” (Legal professional, Sydney)

“Lesley’s passion for helping people manage change shines through in everything she does” (Senior Vice-President, Philadelphia)

“With Lesley, we got straight to the core of the issues. My soft skills clearly improved and I have made changes in my behaviour, leading to much improved feedback from my manager and colleagues” (Regulatory Affairs Director, London)

“I talked to Lesley about my anxieties about trying to convince my very poorly mum that a nursing home was the best place for her to be looked after. Lesley was very helpful, she demonstrated great empathy and understanding and assured me that all the emotions I was experiencing were completely normal as well as offering useful suggestions on how to move forward. I can recommend Lesley as an excellent life coach with knowledge on dealing with elderly parents” (Rose Dileva, Birmingham 2013)

“Initially I was sceptical about the benefits of talking to a Coach, I had reached the crossroads of my life, independent children, too young to retire, too old to be taking a new direction or so I thought! Lesley gave me the motivation to get organised, realise, prioritise and focus on my ideas for a change of career. She helped me see my strengths which in turn gave me the confidence to promote myself effectively, pursue and then obtain employment in a totally new field. I left each session determined to follow on with a task relating to my goal and then arrived at my next session with that great feeling of having achieved. Lesley listens and understands – I would highly recommend her” (Elaine Gan, Company Director, London 2014)

“Lesley’s excellent listening skills, caring and thoughtful approach helped me enormously in starting up a small business venture as well as constructively approach a challenging large-scale project whilst also working out how to preserve my work/life balance” (Company Director, Hertfordshire, UK 2013)

“Lesley is a practical and delivery focused. She creates a supportive yet challenging environment in which to explore and discuss options. She is able to ask the seemingly-obvious questions as well as the more difficult ones and gently draws attention to the ‘elephant in the room’. Her professional, personable approach helped me identify clear objectives for personal development and to draw up action plans that ensured success”. (Senior Project Manager, London)

“Lesley has a brilliant ability to support and guide individuals through a process of change. Her incisive and thought provoking questions challenged my way of thinking and enabled me to think through situations for myself. As a direct result, I have improved the way I relate to others and increased my leadership and assertiveness skills. I’ve also felt wonderfully reassured, motivated and safe during our coaching sessions. I highly recommend Lesley to anyone looking to maximise their personal and professional potential” (Management trainee, London 2013)

“I compare Lesley’s approach to the martial art Aikido: negative energy is re-orientated in a positive way.” (Senior scientist, Brussels)

“Lesley has excellent listening skills and always acts as an honest broker, telling it like it is. She has the ability to build confidence, help people develop leadership skills and to communicate and engage effectively.” (Charles Oppenheim, Professor of Information Science, Loughborough)

“I was amazed by how much I discovered about myself. One of Lesley’s strengths as a coach is a natural way of drawing out this self-discovery while making something that is hard work feel comfortable and safe. Her coaching magic gave me the confidence to implement a successful IT strategy in a completely different culture” (L.M. R&D Director)
